
GET - A - CUT with KARG<br>in Zürich

GET - A - CUT with KARG
in Zürich

Ab sofort buchbar 
Anmeldungen bei KARG
Tel. + 41 44 442 22 22 oder

GET - A - CUT with KARG<br>in Bern

GET - A - CUT with KARG
in Bern

Do, 23.01.25 Bösingen
Fr, 24.01.25 Bösingen
Do, 25.04.25 Bösingen

Fr + Sa, 25.+26.04.25 Heimenschwand/ Thun

GET - A - CUT with KARG<br>in the United States

GET - A - CUT with KARG
in the United States

Palisades, CA 
Germantown, TN 
Newburyport, MA 
New York, NY